Current Assignment(s)Students should be working on the Remote Learning Assignment for the week of May 4 (due Monday, 5/11). Details can be found in Google Classroom. | Updates |
Virtual Concert featured in Boston Globe
Click here for the full article.
Weekly Feature: Unique Instruments
Singing Ringing Tree
The "Singing Ringing Tree" is part sculpture, part musical instrument, part feat of engineering. Located in Lancashire, England, it was designed by Mike Tonkin and Anna Liu and made from galvanized steel pipes cut to different lengths and stacked on top of one another. Placed not too far from part of the country’s Forest of Burnley Reforestation program, the tree converts wind energy into low pitched sounds thanks to its tubular, tree-like shape. The Singing Ringing Tree was completed in 2006 and rises about 10 feet in the air. In March 2017 a sister singing ringing tree was constructed outside of Austin, Texas.
Send me some pictures?
We've officially reached the point in the week where I shamelessly beg you to send me some stuff to post!
I keep hearing from people who say they enjoy it when I post stuff about what people are doing, pictures, etc. But you see that can only keep happening if you send me things! Otherwise, you're stuck looking at repeated pictures of my cat. Like this one, where she brought me all of her favorite toys, played for about 30 seconds, and then abruptly decided it was time for a nap.
Click here to email me anything you think people would like to see! Song recommendations, internet time wasters, weird pictures, a video where you dress up and yell compliments at passing cars (I stole that one from Some Good News). Seriously. Anything. Or if you're really not into this whole Ms.Simmonds-keeps-begging-us-to-email-her-and-now-it's-getting-awkward thing ... it's cool. I can take a hint. Consider this an open invitation to send me stuff anytime - but I'll also stop harassing you about it :)