Current AssignmentEnd-of-year: all Chorus work for Term 4 is due TODAY - Monday, June 15. Please make sure you are aware of any Term 4 work that hasn't been submitted, and reach out to Ms. Simmonds with any questions! | Updates |
Uniform Returns
All uniforms should be returned to Nipmuc on Thursday, June 18. Please check your email for more information from administration about the schedule for the day. When you arrive to school, look for Mr. Harding, who will be set up in the Faculty Parking Lot outside the Band Room. There will be a clothing rack for you to hang up your uniform, and Mr. Harding will record the numbers that are marked on the inside of each piece.
Sopranos and Altos: bring your black shirt and pants, WASHED (they're machine washable), on a hanger
Tenors and Basses: if it's possible for you to get your tux shirt and pants dry cleaned, that is helpful for the music department. However, we certainly understand that it may not be possible this year! In either case, please bring your tux shirt and pants on a hanger.
If you are unable to return your uniform on Thursday, please email Ms. Simmonds ASAP!
Sopranos and Altos: bring your black shirt and pants, WASHED (they're machine washable), on a hanger
Tenors and Basses: if it's possible for you to get your tux shirt and pants dry cleaned, that is helpful for the music department. However, we certainly understand that it may not be possible this year! In either case, please bring your tux shirt and pants on a hanger.
If you are unable to return your uniform on Thursday, please email Ms. Simmonds ASAP!
Weekly Feature: Student Projects
During the last 13 weeks, Chorus students have been working on a variety of projects in order to continue their musical learning. Over these last 2 weeks of school, we will feature some of these projects.